Python Implementation of Problem 72

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Problem Solution

Project Euler Problem 72


Consider the fraction, n / d, where n and d are positive integers. If n < d and HCF(n,d)=1, it is called a reduced proper fraction.

If we list the set of reduced proper fractions for d <= 8 in ascending order of size, we get:

(1 / 8), (1 / 7), (1 / 6), (1 / 5), (1 / 4), (2 / 7), (1 / 3), (3 / 8), (2 / 5), (3 / 7), (1 / 2), (4 / 7), (3 / 5), (5 / 8), (2 / 3), (5 / 7), (3 / 4), (4 / 5), (5 / 6), (6 / 7), (7 / 8)

It can be seen that there are 21 elements in this set. How many elements would be contained in the set of reduced proper fractions for d <= 1000000?

python.src.p0072.main() int
 2Project Euler Problem 72
 6Consider the fraction, n / d, where n and d are positive integers. If n < d and HCF(n,d)=1, it is
 7called a reduced proper fraction.
 9If we list the set of reduced proper fractions for d <= 8 in ascending order of size, we get:
11(1 / 8), (1 / 7), (1 / 6), (1 / 5), (1 / 4), (2 / 7), (1 / 3), (3 / 8), (2 / 5), (3 / 7), (1 / 2),
12(4 / 7), (3 / 5), (5 / 8), (2 / 3), (5 / 7), (3 / 4), (4 / 5), (5 / 6), (6 / 7), (7 / 8)
14It can be seen that there are 21 elements in this set.
15How many elements would be contained in the set of reduced proper fractions for d <= 1000000?
17from .lib.primes import totient
20def main() -> int:
21    return sum(totient(n) for n in range(2, 1000001))

Tags: fraction, gcd, stern-brocot-tree, coprime-numbers, totient-function