Python Implementation of Problem 76

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Problem Solution

Project Euler Problem 76

I ended up needing to do this iteratively. The solution is kinda non-intuitive, but it ends up that you are counting the different summations in-place, as opposed to the recursive solutions I tried at first which used way too much memory to be workable.

Revision 1:

Revised this to store values instead of numeral counts, so I do no multiplication now

Revision 2:

Optimized this a bit to keep counts[1] as close to the missing piece as possible

Revision 3:

Applied an optimization I found on the C side. Turns out, the number of solutions to a + 2b + n = 100, where a, b, n in [0, 100] is (100 - n) / 2 + 1. Additionally, I ported the optimization from Revision 2 to work in the case of the 2s count. These together brought runtime down from ~6m 40s -> ~1m 15s.

Revision 4:

Switch to defaultdict for counter storage, and replace 2 instances of sum() with closed-form math. Total speed increase is ~1m 15s -> ~45s.


It is possible to write five as a sum in exactly six different ways:

4 + 1 3 + 2 3 + 1 + 1 2 + 2 + 1 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

How many different ways can one hundred be written as a sum of at least two positive integers?

python.src.p0076.main() int
 2Project Euler Problem 76
 4I ended up needing to do this iteratively. The solution is kinda non-intuitive, but it ends up that you are counting
 5the different summations in-place, as opposed to the recursive solutions I tried at first which used way too much
 6memory to be workable.
 8Revision 1:
10Revised this to store values instead of numeral counts, so I do no multiplication now
12Revision 2:
14Optimized this a bit to keep counts[1] as close to the missing piece as possible
16Revision 3:
18Applied an optimization I found on the C side. Turns out, the number of solutions to a + 2b + n = 100, where
19a, b, n in [0, 100] is (100 - n) / 2 + 1. Additionally, I ported the optimization from Revision 2 to work in the case
20of the 2s count. These together brought runtime down from ~6m 40s -> ~1m 15s.
22Revision 4:
24Switch to defaultdict for counter storage, and replace 2 instances of sum() with closed-form math. Total speed increase
25is ~1m 15s -> ~45s.
29It is possible to write five as a sum in exactly six different ways:
314 + 1
323 + 2
333 + 1 + 1
342 + 2 + 1
352 + 1 + 1 + 1
361 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
38How many different ways can one hundred be written as a sum of at least two
39positive integers?
41from collections import defaultdict
42from typing import DefaultDict
45def main() -> int:
46    answer = 0
47    counts: DefaultDict[int, int] = defaultdict(int)
48    total = counts[2] = 100
49    while True:
50        counts[2] += 2
51        if total >= 100:
52            answer += (100 + counts[2] - total) // 2
53            # because I can't do-while[]
54            total += 3 - counts[2]
55            counts[2] = 0  # set to 0 instead of delete because it will be quickly set again
56            counts[3] += 3
57            idx = 3
58            while total > 100:
59                total += 1 + idx - counts[idx]
60                del counts[idx]
61                idx += 1
62                counts[idx] += idx
63            if idx == 100:
64                break
65            counts[2] = 100 - total - (total % 2)
66        total = sum(counts.values())
67    return answer

Tags: partition