Euler JavaScript Implementation

JavaScript Js-Cov ESLint CodeQL

All problems are solved in ES6+ Javascript


All javascript files share a common prefix with their problem number. Though it is currently not the case, some of these files may export utilities for other problems to use.


There are eight recipes in this Makefile


This recipe installs all the required and test dependencies. See the Dependencies section for more info


This recipe runs tests in a single thread and performs benchmarks on each. This test infrastructure is based on mocha and benchmark.js, though it currently does not export benchmark info except to fail tests for time limit reasons.


This recipe runs tests in the specified number of threads and performs benchmarks on each. This test infrastructure is based on mocha and benchmark.js, though it currently does not export benchmark info except to fail tests for time limit reasons. If you specify the number of threads as auto, it will default to using 1 fewer threads than you have CPUs.


Install all dependencies for the NodeJS platform.


This recipe runs es-lint on the JavaScript files.


Run through all tests in sequence. Utilizes the bun runtime and test runner.


Installs bun and runs bun install.


Packages these tests for use in browsers.


Remove any installed modules or webpack files.


Generic Problems

For each problem it will check the answer against a known dictionary. If the problem is not in the "known slow" category (meaning that I generate the correct answer with a poor solution), it will run it as many times as the benchmark plugin wants. Otherwise it is run exactly once*.

* This is a TODO for the Javascript section

A test fails if it gets the wrong answer or if it takes more than 1 minute.


I try to keep the dependencies of this project as small as possible, except for test plugins. At the moment there are no non-test dependencies for this section.

Live Tests

To run these problems in your browser, click here!

Library Code

Problems Solved