JavaScript Implementation of Problem 46

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Problem Solution


Project Euler Problem 46

Didn't even need to rearrange the formula to solve it trivially

Revision 1:

It turns out that rearranging the formula let me cut the time by ~50x


It was proposed by Christian Goldbach that every odd composite number can be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square.

9 = 7 + 2×1^2 15 = 7 + 2×2^2 21 = 3 + 2×3^2 25 = 7 + 2×3^2 27 = 19 + 2×2^2 33 = 31 + 2×1^2

It turns out that the conjecture was false.

What is the smallest odd composite that cannot be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square?


number --

 2 * Project Euler Problem 46
 3 *
 4 * Didn't even need to rearrange the formula to solve it trivially
 5 *
 6 * Revision 1:
 7 *
 8 * It turns out that rearranging the formula let me cut the time by ~50x
 9 *
10 * Problem:
11 *
12 * It was proposed by Christian Goldbach that every odd composite number can be written as the sum of a prime and
13 * twice a square.
14 *
15 * 9 = 7 + 2×1^2
16 * 15 = 7 + 2×2^2
17 * 21 = 3 + 2×3^2
18 * 25 = 7 + 2×3^2
19 * 27 = 19 + 2×2^2
20 * 33 = 31 + 2×1^2
21 *
22 * It turns out that the conjecture was false.
23 *
24 * What is the smallest odd composite that cannot be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square?
25 *
26 * @return {number}
27 */
28exports.p0046 = function() {
29    const cachedPrimes = Array.from(primes.primes(6000));
30    for (let goal = 35; ; goal += 2) {
31        if (primes.isPrime(goal)) {
32            continue;
33        }
34        let done = false;
35        for (const p of cachedPrimes) {
36            if (p >= goal) {
37                continue;
38            }
39            for (let x = 1; x < Math.sqrt((goal - p) / 2) + 1; x++) {
40                if (p + 2 * x * x === goal) {
41                    done = true;
42                    break;
43                }
44            }
45            if (done) {
46                break;
47            }
48        }
49        if (!done) {
50            return goal;
51        }
52    }
53    return -1;
56const primes = require('./lib/primes.js');

Tags: prime-number, square-number