Python Implementation of Problem 42

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Problem Solution

Project Euler Problem 42

The nth term of the sequence of triangle numbers is given by, tn = ½n(n+1); so the first ten triangle numbers are:

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ...

By converting each letter in a word to a number corresponding to its alphabetical position and adding these values we form a word value. For example, the word value for SKY is 19 + 11 + 25 = 55 = t10. If the word value is a triangle number then we shall call the word a triangle word.

Using words.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), a 16K text file containing nearly two-thousand common English words, how many are triangle words?

python.src.p0042.main() int
 2Project Euler Problem 42
 4The nth term of the sequence of triangle numbers is given by, tn = ½n(n+1); so the first ten triangle numbers are:
 61, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ...
 8By converting each letter in a word to a number corresponding to its alphabetical position and adding these values we
 9form a word value. For example, the word value for SKY is 19 + 11 + 25 = 55 = t10. If the word value is a triangle
10number then we shall call the word a triangle word.
12Using words.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), a 16K text file containing nearly two-thousand common
13English words, how many are triangle words?
15from typing import Set
17from .lib.math import triangle
18from .lib.utils import get_data_file
21def main() -> int:
22    answer = 0
23    words = get_data_file('p0042_words.txt', 'rb').replace(b'"', b'').split(b',')
24    max_cached_idx: int = 0
25    max_cached: int = 0
26    cache: Set[int] = set()
27    for word in words:
28        n = sum(x - 0x40 for x in word)
29        while n > max_cached:
30            max_cached_idx += 1
31            max_cached = triangle(max_cached_idx)
32            cache.add(max_cached)
33        if n in cache:
34            answer += 1
35    return answer

Tags: triangle-number, figurate-number, word-problem, file-io