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python.src.lib.factors.proper_divisors(num: int) Iterator[int]

Iterate over the proper divisors of a given number.

Given that it will generate a max of \(\log(n)\) factors, the binomial theorem tells us this should take \(O(2^{\log(n)}) = O(n)\) operations.

 1from functools import reduce
 2from itertools import combinations
 3from operator import mul
 4from typing import Iterator, Set
 6from .primes import prime_factors
 9def proper_divisors(num: int) -> Iterator[int]:
10    """Iterate over the proper divisors of a given number.
12    Given that it will generate a max of :math:`\\log(n)` factors, the binomial theorem tells us this should take
13    :math:`O(2^{\\log(n)}) = O(n)` operations."""
14    factors = tuple(prime_factors(num))
15    seen: Set[int] = set()
16    yield 1
17    for x in range(1, len(factors)):
18        for combo in combinations(factors, x):
19            ret = reduce(mul, combo, 1)
20            if ret not in seen:
21                yield ret
22                seen.add(ret)
23        seen.clear()

Tags: python-iterator, divisor-count, divisibility