C++ Implementation of Problem 22

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uint64_t p0022()
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])


This function is only present in the Python test runner, or when compiling as a standalone program.

 2 * Project Euler Problem 22
 3 * 
 4 * I know that this could be done faster with a traditional for loop, but I wanted
 5 * to see if iterators were reasonably possible in C, since it makes the prime
 6 * number infrastructure a lot easier to set up.
 7 * 
 8 * Problem:
 9 * 
10 * If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we
11 * get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
12 * 
13 * Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
14 */
15#ifndef EULER_P0022
16#define EULER_P0022
17#include <stdint.h>
18#include <iostream>
19#include <vector>
20#include <algorithm>
21#include "include/macros.hpp"
22#include "include/utils.hpp"
24uint64_t EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE p0022() {
25    uint64_t answer = 0;
26    std::string fstring = get_data_file("p0022_names.txt");
27    const uint32_t name_count = 5163;
28    std::vector<std::string> names(5163, "");
29    size_t idx = 0, i = 0, pi = 0;
30    do {
31        while (i < fstring.length() && fstring[i] != ',')
32            i++;
33        const size_t len = i - pi - 2;
34        names[idx++] = fstring.substr(pi + 1, len);
35        pi = ++i;
36    } while (i < fstring.length());
37    std::sort(names.begin(), names.end());
38    for (idx = 0; idx < name_count; idx++) {
39        uint64_t score = 0;
40        for (i = 0; names[idx][i]; i++)
41            score += names[idx][i] & 0x3F;
42        answer += score * (idx + 1);
43    }
44    return answer;

Tags: word-problem, sorting, file-io