Rust Implementation of Problem 17
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Problem Solution
- pub fn problems::p0017::p0017() -> utils::Answer
2Project Euler Problem 17
4I feel like there is a better way to recurse this problem, but I could not
5think of one at the time
9If the numbers 1 to 5 are written out in words: one, two, three, four, five,
10then there are 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 19 letters used in total.
12If all the numbers from 1 to 1000 (one thousand) inclusive were written out in
13words, how many letters would be used?
15NOTE: Do not count spaces or hyphens. For example, 342 (three hundred and
16forty-two) contains 23 letters and 115 (one hundred and fifteen) contains 20
17letters. The use of "and" when writing out numbers is in compliance with
18British usage.
20use crate::include::utils::Answer;
22fn to_string(n: u16) -> String {
23 if n >= 1000 {
24 let mut thousands = to_string(n / 1000 % 100);
25 thousands.push_str(" thousand");
26 if n % 1000 != 0 {
27 thousands.push(' ');
28 thousands.push_str(&to_string(n % 1000));
29 }
30 return thousands;
31 }
32 if n >= 100 {
33 let mut hundreds = to_string(n / 100 % 10);
34 hundreds.push_str(" hundred");
35 if n % 100 != 0 {
36 hundreds.push_str(" and ");
37 hundreds.push_str(&to_string(n % 100));
38 }
39 return hundreds;
40 }
41 if n >= 20 {
42 let mut tens = match n / 10 {
43 2 => "twenty",
44 3 => "thirty",
45 4 => "forty",
46 5 => "fifty",
47 6 => "sixty",
48 7 => "seventy",
49 8 => "eighty",
50 9 => "ninety",
51 _ => unreachable!()
52 }.to_owned();
53 if n % 10 != 0 {
54 tens.push('-');
55 tens.push_str(&to_string(n % 10));
56 }
57 return tens;
58 }
59 if n > 12 {
60 let mut prefix = match n {
61 13 => "thir",
62 14 => "four",
63 15 => "fif",
64 16 => "six",
65 17 => "seven",
66 18 => "eigh",
67 19 => "nine",
68 _ => unreachable!()
69 }.to_owned();
70 prefix.push_str("teen");
71 return prefix;
72 }
73 return match n {
74 0 => "zero",
75 1 => "one",
76 2 => "two",
77 3 => "three",
78 4 => "four",
79 5 => "five",
80 6 => "six",
81 7 => "seven",
82 8 => "eight",
83 9 => "nine",
84 10 => "ten",
85 11 => "eleven",
86 12 => "twelve",
87 _ => unreachable!()
88 }.to_owned();
92pub fn p0017() -> Answer {
93 let mut answer: u16 = 0;
94 for x in 1..=1000 {
95 let string = to_string(x);
96 answer += string.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "").len() as u16;
97 }
98 return Answer::Int(answer.into());