Fortran Implementation of Problem 4

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integer Problem0004/p0004()
 1! Project Euler Problem 4
 3! I modeled this after the C++ solution, because it was by far the simplest
 5! Problem:
 7! A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from
 8! the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.
10! Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
12module Problem0004
13    implicit none
15    pure integer function p0004() result(answer)
16        integer :: i, j, k, n, prod, length
17        logical :: is_palindrome
18        character(len=8) :: string
20        answer = 0
21        do i = 100, 999
22            do j = 100, 999
23                prod = i * j
24                is_palindrome = .true.
25                write(string, '(I0)') prod
26                length = len_trim(string)
28                do k = 1, length
29                    n = length - k + 1
30                    if (string(k:k) /= string(n:n)) then
31                        is_palindrome = .false.
32                        exit
33                    end if
34                end do
36                if (is_palindrome) then
37                    answer = max(answer, prod)
38                end if
39            end do
40        end do
41    end function p0004
42end module Problem0004

Tags: palindrome