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- function utils/open_data_file(name)
Return the unit number for a newly-opened file in
, where/
is the repository root.- Parameters:
id [character(len=DATA_MAX_NAME_SIZE)]
- Return:
unit [integer]
- function utils/get_answer(id)
Return the answer to a given problem, as represented in
, where/
is the repository root. On first run, it will takeO(n)
time, wheren
is the number of problems in the file. From there on out, it should beO(1)
.- Parameters:
id [integer(i4t)]
- Return:
answer [AnswerT]
- type utils/AnswerT
This stores the answer to a generic problem, storing multiple potential types. If the type field contains
, there was an error in generating the answer. If it isint64t
, it holds data of typeinteger(i18t)
. If it isstringt
, it holds a character array.- Type fields:
% type [integer(i1t)]
% int_value [integer(i18t)]
% string_value [character(len=:f:var:ANSWERT_STR_LEN)]
1module utils
2 use constants
3 implicit none
5 type :: AnswerT
6 integer(i18t) :: int_value
7 character(len=ANSWERT_STR_SIZE) :: string_value
8 integer(i1t) :: type
9 end type AnswerT
11 integer :: prev_unit = 13
12 logical :: cache_inited = .false.
13 type(AnswerT), dimension(1024) :: cached_answers
15 integer function open_data_file(name, direct, recl) result(unit)
16 character(len=DATA_MAX_NAME_SIZE), intent(in) :: name
17 logical, intent(in), optional :: direct
18 integer, intent(in), optional :: recl
19 integer :: ios
21 unit = prev_unit + 1
22 prev_unit = unit
23 if (present(direct) .and. present(recl) .and. direct) then
24 open(unit=unit, file=("../_data/" // name), status='old', action='read', iostat=ios, access='direct', recl=recl)
25 else
26 open(unit=unit, file=("../_data/" // name), status='old', action='read', iostat=ios)
27 end if
28 if (ios /= 0) then
29 print *, "Error opening file: ../_data/" // name
30 return
31 end if
32 end function
34 type(AnswerT) function get_answer(id) result(answer)
35 integer(i4t), intent(in) :: id
37 if (id < 1 .or. id > size(cached_answers)) then
38 print *, "Error: ID is out of bounds."
39 answer = AnswerT(0, '', errort)
40 return
41 end if
43 if (.not. cache_inited) then
44 call init_answer_cache()
45 end if
47 answer = cached_answers(id)
48 end function
50 subroutine init_answer_cache()
51 character(len=DATA_MAX_NAME_SIZE), parameter ::file_name = "answers.tsv"
52 character(len=64) :: line
53 character(len=32) :: val
54 character(len=4) :: id_, type_, length
55 integer(i18t) :: i, j
56 integer :: ios, line_length, unit_number
58 cached_answers = AnswerT(0, '', errort)
59 unit_number = open_data_file(file_name)
60 line_length = 1
61 do while (line_length > 0)
62 line = ''
63 read(unit_number, '(A)', iostat=ios) line
64 if (ios /= 0) then
65 close(unit_number)
66 exit
67 end if
69 line = trim(line)
70 line_length = len(line)
71 if (line_length > 0) then
72 call parse_line(line, id_, type_, length, val) ! Parse values
73 if (id_ == "ID") then
74 cycle
75 end if
76 read(id_, *, iostat=ios) i
77 if (ios /= 0) then
78 print *, "Invalid integer literal for id. Moving on without explicit error, but please debug this"
79 end if
80 select case (type_)
81 case ("int", "uint")
82 read(val, *, iostat=ios) j
83 if (ios /= 0) then
84 print *, "Invalid integer literal for value. Returning error type"
85 else
86 cached_answers(i)%type = int64t
87 cached_answers(i)%int_value = j
88 end if
89 case ("str")
90 cached_answers(i)%type = stringt
91 cached_answers(i)%string_value = trim(val)
92 case default
93 print *, "Invalid value type. Returning error type"
94 end select
95 end if
96 end do
98 cache_inited = .true.
99 end subroutine
101 pure subroutine parse_line(line, id_out, type_out, length_out, value_out)
102 character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
103 character(len=32), intent(out) :: value_out
104 character(len=4), intent(out) :: id_out, type_out, length_out
105 integer :: pos, i, last_pos
107 id_out = ''
108 type_out = ''
109 length_out = ''
110 value_out = ''
111 last_pos = 0
113 do i = 1, 4
114 pos = index(line(last_pos + 1:), char(9)) ! Find tab character
115 if (pos == 0) then ! Tab not found, assign remaining part to the last variable
116 select case (i)
117 case (1)
118 id_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:))
119 case (2)
120 type_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:))
121 case (3)
122 length_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:))
123 case (4)
124 value_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:))
125 if (len_trim(value_out) > 0) then
126 if (value_out(len_trim(value_out):len_trim(value_out)) == char(10)) then
127 value_out = value_out(1:len_trim(value_out) - 1) ! strip \n
128 end if
129 if (value_out(len_trim(value_out):len_trim(value_out)) == char(13)) then
130 value_out = value_out(1:len_trim(value_out) - 1) ! strip \r
131 end if
132 end if
133 end select
134 return
135 else
136 select case (i)
137 case (1)
138 id_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:last_pos + pos - 1))
139 case (2)
140 type_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:last_pos + pos - 1))
141 case (3)
142 length_out = trim(line(last_pos + 1:last_pos + pos - 1))
143 end select
144 last_pos = last_pos + pos
145 end if
146 end do
147 end subroutine parse_line
148end module utils