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(if compiled for Windows)<windows.h>
(if compiled for Windows)<libgen.h>
(if not compiled for Windows)<unistd.h>
(if not compiled for Windows)
char *get_data_file(const char *name)
Return a character array containing the whole contents of a file found in _data.
char *get_parent_directory(const char *name, const uint32_t levels)
struct Answer
The Answer struct represents the solution to a Project Euler problems. It can hold different types of values and an identifier.
union value
uint8_t int8
Represents an 8-bit signed integer.
uint16_t int16
Represents a 16-bit signed integer.
uint32_t int32
Represents a 32-bit signed integer.
uint64_t int64
Represents a 64-bit signed integer.
uint8_t uint8
Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer.
uint16_t uint16
Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer.
uint32_t uint32
Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer.
uint64_t uint64
Represents a 64-bit unsigned integer.
char *string
Represents a string value.
uint8_t int8
uint16_t id
Represents the problem ID.
AnswerType type
Specifies the type of value stored in the
union. It is of typeAnswerType
union value
enum AnswerType
The AnswerType enum defines various types of values that can be stored in an Answer.
enumerator ERRORT
Represents an error state.
enumerator INT8T
Represents an 8-bit signed integer.
enumerator INT16T
Represents a 16-bit signed integer.
enumerator INT32T
Represents a 32-bit signed integer.
enumerator INT64T
Represents a 64-bit signed integer.
enumerator UINT8T
Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer.
enumerator UINT16T
Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer.
enumerator UINT32T
Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer.
enumerator UINT64T
Represents a 64-bit unsigned integer.
enumerator STRINGT
Represents a string value.
enumerator ERRORT
1#pragma once
2#include <inttypes.h>
3#include <stdint.h>
4#include <stdlib.h>
5#include <string.h>
6#include <stdio.h>
7#include "macros.h"
8#ifdef _WIN32
9#include <direct.h>
10#include <windows.h>
11#define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\"
13#include <libgen.h>
14#include <unistd.h>
15#define PATH_SEPARATOR "/"
18char* get_parent_directory(char* path, const uint32_t levels) {
19#ifdef _WIN32
20 static char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
21 static char dir[_MAX_DIR];
22 _splitpath(path, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
23 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < levels; ++i) {
24 size_t len = strlen(dir);
25 if (len > 1 && (dir[len - 1] == '\\' || dir[len - 1] == '/'))
26 dir[len - 1] = '\0';
27 char* last_slash = strrchr(dir, '\\');
28 if (!last_slash)
29 last_slash = strrchr(dir, '/');
30 if (last_slash)
31 *last_slash = '\0';
32 }
33 static char parent_dir[_MAX_PATH];
34 snprintf(parent_dir, sizeof(parent_dir), "%s%s", drive, dir);
35 return parent_dir;
37 char* dir = dirname(path);
38 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < levels; ++i) {
39 dir = dirname(dir);
40 if (strcmp(dir, "/") == 0 || strcmp(dir, ".") == 0)
41 break;
42 }
43 return dir;
47char *get_data_file(const char *name) {
48 const char* start = __FILE__;
49#ifdef _WIN32
50 char absolute_path[MAX_PATH];
51 if (!_fullpath(absolute_path, start, MAX_PATH)) {
52 perror("_fullpath");
53 return NULL;
54 }
56 char* absolute_path = realpath(start, NULL);
57 if (!absolute_path) {
58 perror("realpath");
59 return NULL;
60 }
62 char* parents_dir = get_parent_directory(absolute_path, 3);
63 const size_t p_len = strlen(parents_dir),
64 name_len = strlen(name);
65 char *file_path = (char *)malloc(p_len + name_len + 8);
66 memcpy(file_path, parents_dir, p_len);
67 memcpy(file_path + p_len, PATH_SEPARATOR "_data" PATH_SEPARATOR, 7);
68 memcpy(file_path + p_len + 7, name, name_len);
69 file_path[p_len + name_len + 7] = 0;
70 FILE* file = fopen(file_path, "r");
71#ifndef _WIN32
72 free(absolute_path);
74// free(parents_dir);
75 free(file_path);
76 if (!file) {
77 perror("fopen");
78 return NULL;
79 }
81 fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
82 size_t length = ftell(file);
83 fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
85 char* buffer = (char*)malloc(length + 1);
86 if (!buffer) {
87 perror("malloc");
88 fclose(file);
89 return NULL;
90 }
92 const size_t ret_code = fread(buffer, 1, length, file);
93 if (ret_code != length) {
94 if (feof(file))
95 printf("Error reading %s: unexpected end of file, read %" PRIu64 " of %"PRIu64" bytes expected\n", name, (uint64_t)ret_code, (uint64_t)length);
96 else if (ferror(file))
97 perror("Error reading data file");
98 }
100 buffer[length] = 0;
101 fclose(file);
103 return buffer;
106typedef enum {
108 INT8T,
109 INT16T,
110 INT32T,
111 INT64T,
112 UINT8T,
113 UINT16T,
114 UINT32T,
115 UINT64T,
117} AnswerType;
119typedef struct {
120 union {
121 uint8_t uint8;
122 uint16_t uint16;
123 uint32_t uint32;
124 uint64_t uint64;
125 int8_t int8;
126 int16_t int16;
127 int32_t int32;
128 int64_t int64;
129 char *string;
130 } value;
131 uint16_t id;
132 AnswerType type;
133} Answer;
135#ifdef _WIN32
136#define strtok_r strtok_s
139Answer EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE get_answer(uint16_t id) {
140 Answer ret = {
141 .id = id,
142 };
143 char *answers = get_data_file("answers.tsv");
144 char *linepointer, *tabpointer;
146 if (!answers) {
147 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to get data from file\n");
148 return ret;
149 }
151 char s_id[6];
152 snprintf(s_id, sizeof(s_id), "%" PRIu16, id);
154 char *line = strtok_r(answers, "\n", &linepointer); // skip header
155 while ((line = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &linepointer)) != NULL) {
156 char *token = strtok_r(line, "\t", &tabpointer);
157 if (strcmp(token, s_id) != 0)
158 continue;
160 token = strtok_r(NULL, "\t", &tabpointer);
161 if (!token)
162 continue;
164 if (strcmp(token, "uint") == 0)
165 ret.type = UINT8T; // will adjust size later
166 else if (strcmp(token, "int") == 0)
167 ret.type = INT8T; // will adjust size later
168 else if (strcmp(token, "str") == 0)
169 ret.type = STRINGT;
170 else {
171 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unknown type '%s'\n", token);
172 return ret;
173 }
175 token = strtok_r(NULL, "\t", &tabpointer);
176 if (!token)
177 continue;
178 size_t size = strtoull(token, NULL, 10);
180 token = strtok_r(NULL, "\t", &tabpointer);
181 if (!token)
182 continue;
184 switch (ret.type) {
185 case UINT8T:
186 case UINT16T:
187 case UINT32T:
188 case UINT64T:
189 switch (size) {
190 case 8:
191 ret.value.uint8 = (uint8_t)strtoul(token, NULL, 10);
192 break;
193 case 16:
194 ret.value.uint16 = (uint16_t)strtoul(token, NULL, 10);
195 ret.type = UINT16T;
196 break;
197 case 32:
198 ret.value.uint32 = strtoul(token, NULL, 10);
199 ret.type = UINT32T;
200 break;
201 case 64:
202 ret.value.uint64 = strtoull(token, NULL, 10);
203 ret.type = UINT64T;
204 break;
205 default:
206 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported uint size %" PRIu64 "\n", (uint64_t)size);
207 Answer err = {0};
208 return err;
209 }
210 break;
211 case INT8T:
212 case INT16T:
213 case INT32T:
214 case INT64T:
215 switch (size) {
216 case 8:
217 ret.value.int8 = (int8_t)strtol(token, NULL, 10);
218 break;
219 case 16:
220 ret.value.int16 = (int16_t)strtol(token, NULL, 10);
221 ret.type = INT16T;
222 break;
223 case 32:
224 ret.value.int32 = strtol(token, NULL, 10);
225 ret.type = INT32T;
226 break;
227 case 64:
228 ret.value.int64 = strtoll(token, NULL, 10);
229 ret.type = INT64T;
230 break;
231 default:
232 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported int size %" PRIu64 "\n", (uint64_t)size);
233 Answer err = {0};
234 return err;
235 }
236 break;
237 case STRINGT:
238 ret.value.string = (char *)malloc(size + 1);
239 if (ret.value.string) {
240 strncpy(ret.value.string, token, size);
241 ret.value.string[size] = 0;
242 } else {
243 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocation failed for string\n");
244 Answer err = {0};
245 return err;
246 }
247 break;
248 case ERRORT:
249 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unknown type (should be unreachable)\n");
250 Answer err = {0};
251 return err;
252 }
253 break;
254 }
256 free(answers);
257 return ret;
260#ifdef _WIN32
261#undef strtok_r